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Garden Content

Here is where you will find inspirational media for living a life of sisterhood,

mentorship, and virtue - the Fidelis lifestyle!



Through my yes to you, I find true love. 

You see me as precious and honored and have called me by name. 


As your daughter, may I always walk with 

You, and seek Your glory in all things. 


Send your Holy Spirit to teach and to guide 

all of the Fidelis Sisters, forming each as a 

disciple, vessels of truth and beauty.


Remain with them wherever they may be,

and may we be a sisterhood abundant in

faith, hope and love. 


Mary, from the cross Jesus proclaimed you as our Mother,

teach me how to love and 

how to pray. 


As you courageously stood with Jesus on 

His cross, stand with me and my crosses, 

and may I stand with those who suffer 

around me. Pray that I may live a joyful life 

of purity, service and discipleship. 


Mary, full of grace, pray my heart to be 

always open to the Holy Spirit. 

Paratum cor meum Deus, Paratum cor meum. 

My heart is ready, oh God, my heart is ready. 


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